Haha… alright, my 'big kid' life certainly doesn't relate to Huggies and um, leak protection… but that got me thinking even further about how my life is protected. And it's protected by much more than a pair of pants, but rather by my Lord and Savior. With each new "real-world reality" experience that I've encountered this past month, I can't help but see God's hand through it all… giving me the upmost confidence and joy as I enter into this new stage of life.
Obviously the first step of moving on was graduating and leaving East Lansing. The last few days at State were filled with so much joy and celebration. I spent time with the people I love and was continually reminded of how faithful and gracious God has been to me throughout my college career. I can look back and see that the experiences I was able to take part in, the relationships that were formed, and the opportunities that were presented to me were only by His grace and culminated into one amazing collegiate career. One which has also prepared me for what is to come.
Last volleyball-family hoo-rah :) |
I then went to visit my best friend Ashley, who's on a mission trip in Tijuana right now with an orphanage. Going to Mexico was a culture shock for me not only because I don't know a lick of Spanish except maybe gracias and hola, but I've never crossed the southern border or seen the slums. Despite my discomfort, I felt such love and joy overflow from the kids into me. It was incredible to see, as Ashley had shared with me, their utter dependence on God... and in a way that I cannot and will not ever know. These kids have come from broken homes, abusive relationships, drugs, prostitution, you name it... and are still able to find hope and love and joy in their Savior because He is literally all they have. It was so beautiful, and a great reminder and encouragement to me, that my dependence on God should not be circumstantial, but continual - because we all are nothing and have nothing without Jesus' loving sacrifice.
Finally, Ashley and I went up to LA to visit one of our good friends, Emma. It was such a blessing to spend time with some of my best friends and sisters in Christ... to be encouraged and spurred on and talk about everything. Even more, being in LA surrounded by all the things - the glitz and glam and money and materialism... it was a culture shock all over again after being in two completely opposite places! How sad of a life would you have if you really thought that this was it... Seeing this materialism contrasted against MLC and Tijuana gave me great perspective which lead right into my next 'new' life experience.
The month between school and my job starting wasn't all vacations and fun and games, I also had some preparations to make. Getting Insurance in my name... Opening a New Bank Account... Car Titles... Apartment Furniture and Items to prep for being on my own... Utility Bills... Budgeting... Buying a Car... Getting a Paycheck. It's as though my parents had been counting down to this day when they could finally cut the strings or something! ;) Figuring all of this out was exciting as I really started gaining a sense of independence, but it was also a little overwhelming, especially when I kept seeing the amounts of money that needed to be forked out for each new venture! But I was reminded more than once that I'm really just God's steward taking care of all of His things. What an honor that He would trust me with His possessions! And when I honor Him through my tithes and responsibility, He will always make it work out... even if I don't understand how. This precious promise has given me even more excitement as I can responsibly enter into this new stage of independence... or really this stage of fuller dependence on Him.
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"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal." -Isaiah 26:3-4 |
Another part of being on my own that I've been praying about is finding community. Going from an environment where I had teammates and classmates and fellow athletes and roommates to an area where I only know my co-workers is quite an adjustment. But God continues to show up and remain faithful. Although I've only been here one weekend, I was immediately welcomed and felt uplifted by the church I went to that was suggested to me by my pastor in East Lansing. As I've grown and matured as a young Christian woman, it has been these Christian communities that have become the most important and impactful elements to my faith. It looks like God is already one step ahead of me in providing another young and Christ-centered community that I'll be able to call not only friends but also brothers and sisters.
Furthermore, despite the distance between me and all of my friends from State, I have been continually uplifted by them, providing me even more comfort as I make my home in a new area. I'm reminded again and again after I talk with each of them how much God has blessed me through wonderful friends and that distance doesn't really matter when He is at the center of it all... I have friends who aren't afraid to ask me the tough questions about my walk with God... friends who encourage me to walk as a godly and loving woman with a servant heart... and friends who uplift me through their own walk and faithfulness to the Lord. I'm overwhelmed when I consider how God has and does continue to provide exactly what - and who - I need to keep me close to Him, despite distance or things I may consider as obstacles. So with God's past faithfulness as my source of peace and confidence, I'm excited to faithfully follow Him and be encouraged by the people He has and will place in my life in Rochester Hills.
And finally, what would all this 'new' be without the job that has prompted it all?! I can't even describe how blessed I have been to start at a company that totally takes care of and cares for their employees, where everyone genuinely wants to see everyone else succeed. We have fun and work hard and it's (so far at least!) been a great place to work. And with Colossians 3:17 being my guide, "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him," I know that I will be able to find fulfillment in whatever my job title or description is because it's all for and by God!
I don't think I can say enough how amazing it has been to witness God's faithfulness to me during this season of life. And because of it, I can joyfully and confidently proclaim that "I'm a big kid now!" with my Lord and Savior protecting me under His wing, allowing me to continue to walk by faith.
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"He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones." -Proverbs 2:7-8 |