#6 - The Red Cedar River
We all know how it goes, "On the banks of the Red Cedar, there's a school that's known to all!" I do love that fight song, but I'll get there in just a minute. Before that on my list is the famous river itself that runs through campus. When asked by John Kreger, our radio announcer for volleyball, what my favorite spot on campus was, I couldn't pick one specific location. Instead, I said this, the Red Cedar. Now I know that it has a pretty bad rap for its filth and supposed diseases; but don't worry, I never actually went in it. Instead I loved the river and paths along it that I would walk so frequently through campus. The beauty and serenity of the campus, in my opinion, is epitomized by it... the Beal Botanical Gardens run right along it, countless trees hang over the river (which are gorgeous in fall... and spring... and winter... ok all the time!), the ducks are always around the paths and river being their cute little duck-selves, and the rapids by Wells and the Administration Building offer a soothing peace found no where else. I only wish I would have had more free time during the days I took classes to just sit or walk alongside it and soak up the beauty of campus even more! But, I will say that I enjoyed plenty of walks along the river and it definitely made our summer runs just that much more enjoyable!
#5 - Spartan Nation

I love being a Spartan. I love everything about it! It didn't take long for the affection of going to the best school in the state of Michigan to set in for me, that's for sure. To put it simply, I'm pretttty sure that if you accidentally (or purposefully for that matter) cut me, I would bleed green. I actually heard from a few people that they were shocked I was leaving East Lansing and MSU for my new job, because they knew how much I've come to love being a part of it all. And here are some of the things I love most about my Spartan Nation:
- The MSU fight song, obviously. "Fight! Fight! Rah team Fight! Victory for MSU!" I may or may not get overly excited every time I hear it.
- Being a part of something bigger than myself... Now I can't lie, sometimes I was selfishly upset that there wasn't this seeminly worldwide love for the volleyball team like there was for football or basketball... but when it comes down to it, Spartan fans are Spartan fans. Period. It doesn't matter their major or profession (well, technically that's all the same, right? haha) or background... Spartans are there for each other and made me and those of us who were current students feel important and as though we were part of something big and exciting... because we are!
- This is similar to being a part of something big and important... but the commradarie associated with my fellow Spartans is awesome. The equal and substantial hatred for the School Down the Road, the cheering, the loyal support, the pride. Un-matched. This was especially true in my experience among the athletic department and various teams. We were all there for each other and in each others' corners fighting for one another to pull out the win and do our best.
- Sparty!!! The best mascot in the nation. Seriously! A) Who doesn't love the crazy, smelly, acrobatic, enthusiastic, tough guy? B) We have TWO statues honoring the fierce and brave Spartan warrior... Hands down the best.
- Michigan State in general. Let's be real, we really are one of the best... to have one of the top Medical School, Veterinary School, Business School and Study Abroad Programs in the nation? Yea, can't really argue with that. Plus, as I've been finding out as I look at and attempt some things from this 101 Item Bucket List for MSU, we have so much to offer that is unique and extraordinary. Being the first land grant college in the nation. The Cyclotron. Beaumont Tower. Adams Planetarium. The Observatory. The Wharton Center. The Izzone. Yes, even the cows and farmland. Clearly the list can go on and on.
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