What would my time here be without relationships? It was quite the toss-up to pick the rankings for my top 4; but I'm keeping it moving. At numbers 4 and 3 are some of the most important and impactful people I've had the privilege of meeting and sharing life with:
#4 - My 'Mates
No, I'm not Australian, but I needed a way to sneak more people into my blog :) By 'mates, I of course mean my
roommates and
teammates, both of which I'll miss terribly!
My first roommate off-campus of two years was
Natalie. We not only went to the same high school, but we also both competed for MSU. Natalie was a golfer at State so we completely understood one another's schedules and time demands. Plus since we were on different teams, we were each other's perfect sounding boards. Although we may not have been together all the time because of our sport schedules, the time we did share together will always be cherished - especially our talks about everything under the sun - life, sports, MSU, class, teammates, religion, even politics! We had a great time together and I was bummed when she graduated and I had to leave our 'home'!

Having 1 year left at State after Natalie graduated opened up the opportunity for me to live with two of my best friends and teammates -
Amy and
Becca. At times this was a challenge because we were together so often (especially in the fall!) but it was well with any troubles - which inevitably only served to strengthen our relationship. Although our most meaningful and deep conversations always seemed to be away from the apartment when we went on walks, I will always laugh thinking of the random times we would get talking standing around the kitchen counters and Amy's chair and make it last for hours... all of us holding on to the time because they were few and far between. I only wish there would be more of these moments to come!
Expecto Patronum! |
Spice up your life! |
Aloha! |
My teammates and being part of a team is something that I will also terribly miss about my 5 years at State. The commradarie, the changing dynamics, the support, the tears, the learning, the laughs, the inside jokes, the frustrations, the friendships.. the
TEAM. With everything that we went through together - both on the court and off - there is no way that the relationships formed won't last a lifetime... for that I am incredibly blessed. Thinking back to freshman year - our Sweet 16 run, learning (after the intimidation phase) from the seniors, the Spice Girls freshmen Halloween costumes and dance, the
Lip Sync (that we should have won!)... To sophomore year - all of us living in the dorms and hanging out together, playing at Breslin (and dropping chocolate at Cathy's feet!), going to the midnight show of Harry Potter and dying the next day at weights... To my redshirt Sophomore year - upsetting USC at home in 5, sledding in Muskegon... To my Junior year - going to Hawaii... To my senior year - going through The Program, doing the military warm-ups, getting the Jenison renovation, and undoubtedly leaving a footprint. The blood, sweat, tears, laughs, and smiles that we shared will forever be imprinted in me and provide warm and loving memories. And even greater than the memories are the relationships that were formed and refined from our countless experiences.
Seniors 2012 |
#3 - My Mentors
My life has been touched not only by my peers but also very greatly by elders and coaches. I have been impacted and learned an incredible amount from all of these people and am so incredibly thankful for their personal investment and commitment to me as an individual. My experiences at MSU would never be the same and I would not be as prepared for the next step had it not been for my loving, caring mentors who have also become trusted friends and confidants:
Red my strength coach. He taught me the importance of taking a risk. He helped me develop as a leader. He pushed and challenged the inner competitor in me. And most meaningful to me, he got to know me - really know me and my personality so that he could best connect with and coach me.
Lianna my athletic trainer. My mom away from home! I already shared how I frequented the training room, but Lili did so much more than just help with my aches and pains. She cared wholeheartedly about me and my entire well-being. She loved me and the whole team with a tough yet motherly love.
Mandy my academic coordinator. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to, she helped me figure out my school plans (and helped me graduate with 2 degrees in 5 years!), and provided sound, trusting, and much needed guidance. She was my trusted sounding board for all things MSU, boy, friend,
anything related.
Cathy my head coach. She obviously pushed and pushed me to be my best on the court, but she also pushed me to be the best
me. The lengths to which she would go to help prepare me as a player and young woman are enormous. I know she would go through a wall for me and any of my teammates (and with her determination and energy, probably really could) because she cares.
Emma my discipler and friend. Even though she was only at State for 3 years, I know my spiritual walk and boldness would not be the same without her presence, probing, and encouragement. She is so outgoing and loving and spontaneous... and practically the opposite of me. But it was her deep love and care and heart for me that allowed her to cross those personality barriers and help me grow in my walk with the Lord.
Clearly immeasurably more people than just 5 have impacted my growth, maturity, and life through college, but were I to list them all, I would be up writing all night long! I pray that I have had just a fraction of the amount of influence and impact on all of these people (and those not mentioned) that they have had on me. So many people have touched my life and made my career here one that has been truly extraordinary and incredibly difficult to leave.
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy..."
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