Monday, July 8, 2013

Craving the Good Stuff

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the LORD is good." -1 Peter 2:2-3

For anyone who has been around me for the past couple of months, my newly refreshed zeal for working out and health and fitness might come across as a bit, well, intense. All it took was a Groupon to test out this Crossfit thing and I was hooked and have been telling any-and-everyone about it! Being back in the competitive, challenging environment where I am constantly pushing myself and my limits is something the competitor in me has missed so much, and is something I thought I'd never be able to truly experience again after I left the Spartan weight room. I've loved it so much that I, dare I say it, have even willingly been getting up for 6am workouts! (Now that is truly something I thought I would never miss from college!).

Besides fulfilling the need for a physical challenge and good workout, being involved in Crossfit has had other great benefits for me, namely being around other highly motivated people who are amped about health and fitness as well. It really is a contagious environment! And it was contagious enough for me to try out a diet/cleanse challenge with some of my fellow Warriors. For most of past month I took part in the 24-day Advocare Challenge... no refined sugars, no processed foods, no alcohol, not much dairy or wheat products... pretty much just eating smaller meals consisting of super clean foods like fruits, veges, proteins, and healthy starches and fats more frequently throughout the day to keep my metabolism high and allow my body to absorb the right nutrients the right way. At first I thought it'd be really tough but once I got into it, planned, and started feeling the benefits and results (more energy, feeling better overall, getting trim and tight), it was great. Not to mention I was being held accountable - not only personally because I was paying to be part of a this challenge and wanted to see good end results - but also by others in my Crossfit box.

But why would it be called a "Challenge" if there wasn't something, well, challenging about it? There were many aspects of the challenge that required a significant amount of self-discipline and planning: If I didn't have fresh food around (which unfortunately required a lot of expensive grocery shopping!), it was easy to slip up... If I didn't plan meals and have good food packed for the whole day, it was easy to slip up... If I didn't tell people around me what I was doing so I was held accountable at work or when going out with friends, it was easy to slip up... If I had sweets or other unhealthy foods in sight ("Out of sight, out of mind!"), it was easy to slip up...

I had to constantly remind myself of my ultimate goal (getting trim, losing weight, maybe winning the overall challenge, and most importantly developing a healthy lifestyle) and had to always put myself in a position and environment to succeed in order for the challenge and cleanse to work. And by setting myself up to succeed, even though I would never have classified myself as an unhealthy eater before, I truly started craving good, healthy, whole foods as I got into it and saw the results I was looking for... Except for pizza. The wholeeeee time during my challenge, the only unhealthy food I craved was pizza. So naturally, this was the first thing I splurged on when my 24 days were complete and I had my final weigh-in. And that pizza was gooood. Real good. And yet, while I was licking my fingers after stuffing my face, I knew I would regret my indulgence. After all, what was one of my main goals of the challenge? To develop a healthy lifestyle and cut out processed foods that clog everything up! And sure enough, later that day and even the next day, I really did feel like crap. Mentally from giving in and 'cheating' myself and physically from the effects of unhealthy food after a month of being so clean and good. And what's worse? It became that much easier to give in here and give in there now that my '24-days' were up and I had already indulged once.
The parallels between this and my spiritual life are so evident! Just as I was craving the 'good stuff' for my body because I felt more nourished and healthier and energized and simply better.... my soul, too, ought to crave and have an eager desire for 'pure spiritual milk.' This milk is referring to God's Word, which is unadulterated, and complete, and perfectly refreshing and satisfying. It would only make sense that my soul would crave and run after such a thing!

But again, just as my cleanse proved to be challenging and took a lot of effort to follow, craving this pure, spiritual milk for my soul can be a challenge as well. Just as I had to set myself up to succeed by packing and planning the right food, telling people about my diet to help with accountability, and keeping bad food out of sight, the same is true for me as a child of God. I have to pack and eat the right food - God's word - more than anything else, because filling my soul with things of this world will not truly nourish me.... I have to surround myself with fellow Christians who will keep me accountable to consuming this pure milk and following God's Word because it is a difficult path to take alone.... I have to put myself in situations where I will not be tempted because I am not strong enough to say no to the 'sweets' the devil puts in front of me.

And unfortunately, just as I craved and gave into pizza, I far too often give in to and even crave sin. Just like the pizza, it tastes and feels so good in the moment but once the rush is gone I am left feeling empty, malnourished, guilt-ridden, and frustrated.... frustrated that I gave in when I knew better and frustrated that I hurt my Savior and disobeyed and dishonored my God. And what's worse yet, is when I am not consistently feeding my soul with God's perfect and abundant fare, my sinful self says it is easier to give into those quick and easy sins that only immediately satisfy while convincing me that the pure, spiritual milk I truly need is not really that appetizing... that it doesn't allow me to have any fun or variety... that it is bland and boring. How far that is from the truth! I am told over and over again that the law of the Lord is perfectreviving the soul and to taste and see that the Lord is good, that the man who takes refuge in Him is blessed!

How can this be when the whole world and my own sinful self are telling me otherwise? Because here, in God's Word, I am reminded of His love for me... here I am able to get to know my Creator and Savior on a personal, intimate level... here I am shown my sins through His law so that I might recognize my immense need for a Savior... here I am taught about Jesus my Savior and His perfect life and death he lead on my behalf... here God leads me down the narrow path toward salvation... here I hear God whisper my name and tell me all my sins are forgiven, even those sins of indulgence when I knew better... here I comforted by His love.... here I can read and witness to God's omnipotence and never-failing promises... here I am given peace, hope, and joy as I hear God speak truth into my heart.... here I am given a glimpse of God's glory.... here I am truly refreshed and continue to want more.
"Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live."
-Isaiah 55:2-3

Monday, November 12, 2012

Teach Me!

For the past 4 months I've had the incredible privilege to coach a varsity high school team. What once was a path I never though I would take has become something I look forward to all day long and I can't get enough of! I love having the opportunity to share my passion and insights for the game of volleyball... I love seeing the progress of the girls and when the light bulb goes off... I love breaking skills down and helping them add new skills to their 'toolbox'... I love helping them understand the big strategic picture and ebbs and flows of the game... I love it when the girls pick my brain and want to know and do more to get better... I love knowing that I can make a difference in the girls' lives not only as a volleyball coach and player, but as a person... When it comes down to it, I love to teach!

My Regional Champions! (I guess they have learned something!)
Let's hope their development continues in the
State Quarterfinals tomorrow!
I can still remember my first practice with the girls and the discomfort I felt when our head coach threw me in to run a drill with a group of girls where I knew not one name! But once relationships were formed and I observed each girls' talents and skill-set, I was and am able to demand more out of them because I can see the potential that lies within. This is perfect for my observant, detail-oriented self as I have a knack for identifying what needs fixing or improving or refining and can give them the instruction and facilitate the drills necessary to change.

However, I've found the most frustrating part of teaching and coaching is that I have little control over the speed of development of my players. I can tell a girl over and over and over to "reach high" or "get your feet to the ball" or "press fast on the block" (hmm, maybe some things I myself heard as a player...!) but until they not only hear but also apply it - rather than just saying "I know, I know" - my words and wisdom seem somewhat futile! The delivery can be different, the drill to practice can be a little different, the demonstration can be different, the coach saying it can be different... but the skill itself that needs to be improved never changes. And until the knowledge and content that we as coaches are sharing takes root in the player, the result will also never change. From my experience as a coach, learning and improvement are just as dependent on the knowledge, preparedness, and patience of the teacher as they are on the adaptability and willingness to listen and apply by the student.

How true that is in my spiritual walk as well!

Now, I can blame not using my blog for the last 5 months on my new and different, busy lifestyle... or not having anything good to write about... or that I frankly became intimidated because it had been so long... But when it comes down to it, I wasn't really learning. At least I wasn't being intentional with my learning and applying - the very thing I proposed my blog would help me do! God can only remind me through church, bible class, songs on the radio, friends, or my own conscious so many times that HE is the only one who can satisfy and fill my heart... that HE is the One for whom and by whom all things I do and have can be... that HE desires to spend time with me in His word... that HE will provide all of my needs and I have no reason to worry about anything... that HE has me in this position in life for a special reason and purpose... that HE has a home for me prepared in heaven and wants me to prepare for it now while on earth. And how many times do I just nod and say, "I know, Lord, I know."? Sadly, too many times to count.

The beautiful thing is that He doesn't get impatient and frustrated like I do when my girls give me that response yet don't change. Rather, "you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Psalm 86:15). Praise God that he is the Good Teacher - the BEST Teacher! So good and loving of a teacher, that He actually does all of the work for me! So patient of a teacher, that He knows every area of my life where I continually stumble and that needs improvement yet comes to the rescue and still loves me 100% of the time! So faithful of a teacher, that He laid down His life for mine, so that I never need to doubt his love or faithfulness or devotion to me despite my faults and failures. Instead I can humbly come before Him and confess that I'm not a good student but really do desire to learn. So, "Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees... You are my portion, O Lord... and Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path in life... May my body and life be a living sacrifice that his holy and pleasing to you as my act of worship and thanks."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I'm a Big Kid Now!

The month of May and beginning of June brought about incredible change and amazing, new experiences for me as I graduated college and have just recently started my new job. As it has all unfolded and I've done and cared for more and more 'grown-up' stuff than I ever thought possible, I can't help but sing the little jingle from when I was little: "Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now!"

Haha… alright, my 'big kid' life certainly doesn't relate to Huggies and um, leak protection… but that got me thinking even further about how my life is protected. And it's protected by much more than a pair of pants, but rather by my Lord and Savior. With each new "real-world reality" experience that I've encountered this past month, I can't help but see God's hand through it all… giving me the upmost confidence and joy as I enter into this new stage of life.

Obviously the first step of moving on was graduating and leaving East Lansing. The last few days at State were filled with so much joy and celebration. I spent time with the people I love and was continually reminded of how faithful and gracious God has been to me throughout my college career. I can look back and see that the experiences I was able to take part in, the relationships that were formed, and the opportunities that were presented to me were only by His grace and culminated into one amazing collegiate career. One which has also prepared me for what is to come.
Last volleyball-family hoo-rah :)
After graduation, I planned a little vacation for myself to see my brother at school in New Ulm, MN, and my friends in Tijuana and LA. Now not only were all of these destinations new to me, but all very, very different - from what I know and from each other. Yet in each place I was able to see and be reminded of God and His omnipresence.

Visiting Josh at MLC and getting to see his school and the community in which he's surrounded was incredible. You can just feel God there because He has made His dwelling in all of the students and community. As jealous as I may have been of the fellowship and encouragement that Josh is engrossed and surrounded in everyday, I couldn't help but think that I, too, was blessed in an entirely different way at Michigan State, a very secular school - quite the opposite of MLC. Living in such rich community like at MLC could have easily become a stumbling block to me if I wasn't careful - depending on the 'righteous people' I'm surrounded by rather than God to fulfill and build me up in the ways only He can. But being surrounded by the secular views and examples of blatant disbelief and sin at State created a longing inside of me to get to know my Savior more and more. It was a subtle reminder that God's timing and placement is perfect and that He will sustain me regardless of the environment - I just have to be faithful and abide in Him.

I then went to visit my best friend Ashley, who's on a mission trip in Tijuana right now with an orphanage. Going to Mexico was a culture shock for me not only because I don't know a lick of Spanish except maybe gracias and hola, but I've never crossed the southern border or seen the slums. Despite my discomfort, I felt such love and joy overflow from the kids into me. It was incredible to see, as Ashley had shared with me, their utter dependence on God... and in a way that I cannot and will not ever know. These kids have come from broken homes, abusive relationships, drugs, prostitution, you name it... and are still able to find hope and love and joy in their Savior because He is literally all they have. It was so beautiful, and a great reminder and encouragement to me, that my dependence on God should not be circumstantial, but continual - because we all are nothing and have nothing without Jesus' loving sacrifice. 

Finally, Ashley and I went up to LA to visit one of our good friends, Emma. It was such a blessing to spend time with some of my best friends and sisters in Christ... to be encouraged and spurred on and talk about everything. Even more, being in LA surrounded by all the things - the glitz and glam and money and materialism... it was a culture shock all over again after being in two completely opposite places! How sad of a life would you have if you really thought that this was it... Seeing this materialism contrasted against MLC and Tijuana gave me great perspective which lead right into my next 'new' life experience.

The month between school and my job starting wasn't all vacations and fun and games, I also had some preparations to make. Getting Insurance in my name... Opening a New Bank Account... Car Titles... Apartment Furniture and Items to prep for being on my own... Utility Bills... Budgeting... Buying a Car... Getting a Paycheck. It's as though my parents had been counting down to this day when they could finally cut the strings or something! ;) Figuring all of this out was exciting as I really started gaining a sense of independence, but it was also a little overwhelming, especially when I kept seeing the amounts of money that needed to be forked out for each new venture! But I was reminded more than once that I'm really just God's steward taking care of all of His things. What an honor that He would trust me with His possessions! And when I honor Him through my tithes and responsibility, He will always make it work out... even if I don't understand how. This precious promise has given me even more excitement as I can responsibly enter into this new stage of independence... or really this stage of fuller dependence on Him. 
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal." -Isaiah 26:3-4
Another part of being on my own that I've been praying about is finding community. Going from an environment where I had teammates and classmates and fellow athletes and roommates to an area where I only know my co-workers is quite an adjustment. But God continues to show up and remain faithful. Although I've only been here one weekend, I was immediately welcomed and felt uplifted by the church I went to that was suggested to me by my pastor in East Lansing. As I've grown and matured as a young Christian woman, it has been these Christian communities that have become the most important and impactful elements to my faith. It looks like God is already one step ahead of me in providing another young and Christ-centered community that I'll be able to call not only friends but also brothers and sisters. 

Furthermore, despite the distance between me and all of my friends from State, I have been continually uplifted by them, providing me even more comfort as I make my home in a new area. I'm reminded again and again after I talk with each of them how much God has blessed me through wonderful friends and that distance doesn't really matter when He is at the center of it all... I have friends who aren't afraid to ask me the tough questions about my walk with God... friends who encourage me to walk as a godly and loving woman with a servant heart... and friends who uplift me through their own walk and faithfulness to the Lord. I'm overwhelmed when I consider how God has and does continue to provide exactly what - and who - I need to keep me close to Him, despite distance or things I may consider as obstacles. So with God's past faithfulness as my source of peace and confidence, I'm excited to faithfully follow Him and be encouraged by the people He has and will place in my life in Rochester Hills. 

And finally, what would all this 'new' be without the job that has prompted it all?! I can't even describe how blessed I have been to start at a company that totally takes care of and cares for their employees, where everyone genuinely wants to see everyone else succeed. We have fun and work hard and it's (so far at least!) been a great place to work. And with Colossians 3:17 being my guide, "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him," I know that I will be able to find fulfillment in whatever my job title or description is because it's all for and by God!

I don't think I can say enough how amazing it has been to witness God's faithfulness to me during this season of life. And because of it, I can joyfully and confidently proclaim that "I'm a big kid now!" with my Lord and Savior protecting me under His wing, allowing me to continue to walk by faith
"He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield
to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards
the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones."
-Proverbs 2:7-8

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Sparty Not Top 10 Countdown

When I started The Sparty Countdown, I premised it saying how I was partly inspired by SportsCenter's Top 10 and that I actually enjoyed the Not Top 10 the most. I thought that concluding my Countdown of the top 10 things I will miss most from college with the top 10 things I will miss the least would be a fun and funny way to sign off (and probably make it a whole lot easier to bid farewell!). So here goes, my Sparty NOT Top 10:

10. The anxiety felt before a summer run when you can see the heat rising from the 100 degree turf and the sun is beating on your back. I came to love the competition of the runs... but that feeling before they started? Will not for a second miss that.

9. Getting around campus. If you're a driver, you hate walkers. If you're a walker, you hate drivers. If you're a biker, well, good luck. Doing any of this in the winter when the sidewalks haven't been shoveled and salt hasn't been thrown... ha, that's funny. Getting around on campus always provided either some comical relief if you were the observer or near-death experiences if you were caught in the crossfire.

8. Not always knowing what's going on for volleyball. Being a big time planner and overly organized, the fact that information was frequently never shared until the last minute drove me crazy! I'm not going to miss feeling like I'm not in the loop for events in my own life.

7. Homework and Exams and Textbooks. Woo-hoo! No more papers! No more studying! Hopefully no more homework-like deadlines that get the best of my procrastination out! No more having work to do after work!

6. "An Unwise Business Decision" - aka getting punished in the weight room after going to see the midnight show of Harry Potter. Come to find out, our strength coach thought that our being out till 3am meant we were up to some shenanigans, hence the harsh DF+3 on every single exercise. It was just a movie premiere during the summer!

5. The typical college students' disregard for others. Vandalization... Theft (of 3 of my locked up bikes!)... Filth... Thumping, annoying basses blaring during the week... This I can live without.

4. Those dreadful, hard volleyball-drills - particularly Key Drill and 2-Person Pit. For those of you who know what they are... you know the dread, the pain, the fear of those weekly days in practice or worse yet when they were a sneak attack and caught you off guard. Eeeeh, stomachs and faces always dropped upon hearing those words!

3. 2-a-days and not being able to move because I'm so sore. Those 2 weeks were always so painful... sports bra sweat burns, sore hips and legs and elbows and shoulders, having to waddle up stairs, forcing myself to wash my hair because of the tired and sore arms... Now I will only be sore when I feel like it! Of course I'll still work out, but no need to train that hard and get that unbearably sore!

2. Packing up and moving all the time, especially during preseason. I hate packing and moving enough as it is, but to inevitably have to do it during every single preseason was the worst. Especially since it needed to be done during our breaks (which were typically used for naps in between 2-a-days). Poor timing for one of the worst activities.

1. MSU PARKING. They could have easily taken up the Not Top 10 all by themselves. They're Nazi's. Good luck ever trying to fight an unjust ticket or run into a building for 2 minutes without getting one or parking for class or a meeting when any event is taking place on campus. MSU Parking... I will not miss you!

How lucky am I, that when I get to come back and visit MSU and the people I love, I won't have to worry about these things! Things that I may be able look back on and laugh at... and things that may have helped me get tougher and stronger... but things that always filled me with a little dread and were never enjoyable in the moment. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Sparty Countdown... #2 & #1

This is it! The best of the best! Here are the top 2 things I have come to love and will miss the most from college:

#2 - Competing on the Big Stage
Big Life. Big Stage. Big 10. We've all seen the commercials and heard the slogan, and wow, is it ever true. I have been so blessed to have competed for MSU in the Big 10 - the best volleyball conference in the nation - where every single night is a battle, most likely against a Top-25 team. Cathy would always give us the analogy that we were performers - actors you could say - and the court was our stage. We were putting on a performance for the crowd and in order for it to be a successful production, we had to get all of our 'lines' or 'acts' right and work together. Boy, am I going to miss that stage.
I'm especially going to miss that stage because I am a competitor through and through. And I don't think I ever felt more exhilaration and excitement competing than when I did on the big stage donning my green and white. It may have taken me most of my career to let go of any inhibitions and of the fear of making mistakes or not pleasing coach; but once I finally did let go, the complete freedom and joy that I felt and played with was indescribable. I loved playing volleyball and I loved competing! And I think the best part was knowing that all the while I was able to give God the glory because I finally figured out that it wasn't about me, or the stats, or coach, or even the wins (as hard as that is to say!). It was about using my gifts to their fullest and just having fun glorifying Him. And that is where my joy and excitement and competitiveness were able to flow from so purely.

Even more than missing the joy and freedom and excitement I felt competing will be all of the little things that went into game-day and my competition. Competing with my teammates and working through the struggles to have great team dynamics and chemistry... thinking through and practicing the game plan and strategy... the adrenaline rushing through me during a game and especially during the critical moments... the determination, the intensity, and the look of being in the zone and seeing it my teammates as well... the awesome physical and mental feeling of getting that huge block... the stare-downs... the overpass fisty 5-foot-line kills... being one step ahead of the competition and just smiling knowing that we're going to win and can't be stopped... and celebrating after a huge point (or even the little ones, in my case). Oh, what I wouldn't give for another 'jump spin-fist pump-stomp' combo celebration! I wish competing and playing could last forever (and I'm sure to many people it seemed like it did with my redshirt year!) but my achey-breaky-grandma body has had enough, and I think the NCAA has a few rules about my eligibility being up as well.... But competing for Michigan State University has definitely been one of my favorite things and something I will always cherish and carry with me.

#1 - My Christian Communities 
As if the rest of my countdown wasn't enough to prove God's goodness to me throughout my time at MSU, he richly blessed me with amazing Christian fellowship and communities: my church - Shepherd of the Hills, Athletes in Action, and our team bible study. These 3 communities in conjunction with most of my best friends - who are also fellow brothers and sisters in Christ - have been the most important people to me throughout my career because of the foundation we share on Christ and the way they have spurred me on in my faith. It's so obvious that there was something so right about all of these people, because after saying goodbye to each 'group' after my final meeting or service, I cried... a lot. It was hard and sad to say goodbye to the communities that have helped mold me and support me in my walk with the Lord. And I don't think I fully appreciated the ease and simplicity with which I was able to walk into these uplifting and sound communities. Being on a team, having an athlete campus ministry, finding a wonderful church... it was all just there. Now I know and pray I will always be surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, but nothing will ever quite compare to walking and living daily life with teammates and fellow Christian athletes in a similar environment.

Throughout college the importance of Christian fellowship has been made so apparent to me. God showed up in a BIG way and showed me that despite my resolve and stubbornness and firm convictions, I couldn't maintain true devotion with Him alone. I was weekly and daily fed the truth at church and encouraged and loved on by my congregation. I was able to be supported, poured into, and uplifted by fellow believers at AIA. And I was able to live daily life in fellowship and learn how to honor God in volleyball with some of my believing teammates. I was presented with differing beliefs and views which challenged me and made me turn to God, I was surrounded by friends that had the same convictions as me, I was held accountable in word, actions, and love by fellow believers, and I was poured into and challenged to have an outward-centered faith that didn't keep my salvation to myself. Although, again, it is painful to say goodbye to all of the amazing people that have impacted me and helped me stay on the straight and narrow path, I first of all know that my goodbye is simply a "see you later," and second I know God will continue to show up in my life and surround me people that will help me stay close to Him in the future.

In case you haven't been able to tell, I have loved and been incredibly blessed during my 5 years at Michigan State. These Top 10 moments and things are what I have come to love most and will always cherish. And I think the greatest part about all of this is that because the best of the best consist of all people and relationships, I can actually carry this part of MSU on with me into the future. I praise God for opening up the door for me to attend State in the first place and seeing me through safely and beautifully to my graduation today.
"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances."

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Sparty Countdown... #4 & #3

What would my time here be without relationships? It was quite the toss-up to pick the rankings for my top 4; but I'm keeping it moving. At numbers 4 and 3 are some of the most important and impactful people I've had the privilege of meeting and sharing life with:

#4 - My 'Mates
No, I'm not Australian, but I needed a way to sneak more people into my blog :) By 'mates, I of course mean my roommates and teammates, both of which I'll miss terribly!

My first roommate off-campus of two years was Natalie. We not only went to the same high school, but we also both competed for MSU. Natalie was a golfer at State so we completely understood one another's schedules and time demands. Plus since we were on different teams, we were each other's perfect sounding boards. Although we may not have been together all the time because of our sport schedules, the time we did share together will always be cherished - especially our talks about everything under the sun - life, sports, MSU, class, teammates, religion, even politics! We had a great time together and I was bummed when she graduated and I had to leave our 'home'!

Having 1 year left at State after Natalie graduated opened up the opportunity for me to live with two of my best friends and teammates - Amy and Becca. At times this was a challenge because we were together so often (especially in the fall!) but it was well with any troubles - which inevitably only served to strengthen our relationship. Although our most meaningful and deep conversations always seemed to be away from the apartment when we went on walks, I will always laugh thinking of the random times we would get talking standing around the kitchen counters and Amy's chair and make it last for hours... all of us holding on to the time because they were few and far between. I only wish there would be more of these moments to come!

Expecto Patronum!
Spice up your life!
My teammates and being part of a team is something that I will also terribly miss about my 5 years at State. The commradarie, the changing dynamics, the support, the tears, the learning, the laughs, the inside jokes, the frustrations, the friendships.. the TEAM. With everything that we went through together - both on the court and off - there is no way that the relationships formed won't last a lifetime... for that I am incredibly blessed. Thinking back to freshman year - our Sweet 16 run, learning (after the intimidation phase) from the seniors, the Spice Girls freshmen Halloween costumes and dance, the Lip Sync (that we should have won!)... To sophomore year - all of us living in the dorms and hanging out together, playing at Breslin (and dropping chocolate at Cathy's feet!), going to the midnight show of Harry Potter and dying the next day at weights... To my redshirt Sophomore year - upsetting USC at home in 5, sledding in Muskegon... To my Junior year - going to Hawaii... To my senior year - going through The Program, doing the military warm-ups, getting the Jenison renovation, and undoubtedly leaving a footprint. The blood, sweat, tears, laughs, and smiles that we shared will forever be imprinted in me and provide warm and loving memories. And even greater than the memories are the relationships that were formed and refined from our countless experiences.
Seniors 2012

#3 - My Mentors
My life has been touched not only by my peers but also very greatly by elders and coaches. I have been impacted and learned an incredible amount from all of these people and am so incredibly thankful for their personal investment and commitment to me as an individual. My experiences at MSU would never be the same and I would not be as prepared for the next step had it not been for my loving, caring mentors who have also become trusted friends and confidants:

Red my strength coach. He taught me the importance of taking a risk. He helped me develop as a leader. He pushed and challenged the inner competitor in me. And most meaningful to me, he got to know me - really know me and my personality so that he could best connect with and coach me.

Lianna my athletic trainer. My mom away from home! I already shared how I frequented the training room, but Lili did so much more than just help with my aches and pains. She cared wholeheartedly about me and my entire well-being. She loved me and the whole team with a tough yet motherly love.

Mandy my academic coordinator. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to, she helped me figure out my school plans (and helped me graduate with 2 degrees in 5 years!), and provided sound, trusting, and much needed guidance. She was my trusted sounding board for all things MSU, boy, friend, anything related.

Cathy my head coach. She obviously pushed and pushed me to be my best on the court, but she also pushed me to be the best me. The lengths to which she would go to help prepare me as a player and young woman are enormous. I know she would go through a wall for me and any of my teammates (and with her determination and energy, probably really could) because she cares.

Emma my discipler and friend. Even though she was only at State for 3 years, I know my spiritual walk and boldness would not be the same without her presence, probing, and encouragement. She is so outgoing and loving and spontaneous... and practically the opposite of me. But it was her deep love and care and heart for me that allowed her to cross those personality barriers and help me grow in my walk with the Lord.

Clearly immeasurably more people than just 5 have impacted my growth, maturity, and life through college, but were I to list them all, I would be up writing all night long! I pray that I have had just a fraction of the amount of influence and impact on all of these people (and those not mentioned) that they have had on me. So many people have touched my life and made my career here one that has been truly extraordinary and incredibly difficult to leave. "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy..."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Sparty Countdown... #6 & #5

Continuing to move up and on in The Sparty Countdown, here are numbers 6 and 5. And let me say, it's getting harder and harder to write these... wow, have I been blessed!

#6 - The Red Cedar River

We all know how it goes, "On the banks of the Red Cedar, there's a school that's known to all!" I do love that fight song, but I'll get there in just a minute. Before that on my list is the famous river itself that runs through campus. When asked by John Kreger, our radio announcer for volleyball, what my favorite spot on campus was, I couldn't pick one specific location. Instead, I said this, the Red Cedar. Now I know that it has a pretty bad rap for its filth and supposed diseases; but don't worry, I never actually went in it. Instead I loved the river and paths along it that I would walk so frequently through campus. The beauty and serenity of the campus, in my opinion, is epitomized by it... the Beal Botanical Gardens run right along it, countless trees hang over the river (which are gorgeous in fall... and spring... and winter... ok all the time!), the ducks are always around the paths and river being their cute little duck-selves, and the rapids by Wells and the Administration Building offer a soothing peace found no where else. I only wish I would have had more free time during the days I took classes to just sit or walk alongside it and soak up the beauty of campus even more! But,  I will say that I enjoyed plenty of walks along the river and it definitely made our summer runs just that much more enjoyable!

#5 - Spartan Nation
What can compare?? I mean, we did get a movie made just for us (300 was produced specifically for MSU, right??), and Gerard Butler even came to State to address us Spartans personally (but I regret to say we couldn't see him because of volleyball)! Now, I've always been a sucker and enthusiast for team spirit - in high school I headed up multiple spirit activities and game events. So it should come as no surprise that I felt an equal - no - a greater connection and sense of belonging to "the school that's known to all!"

I love being a Spartan. I love everything about it! It didn't take long for the affection of going to the best school in the state of Michigan to set in for me, that's for sure. To put it simply, I'm pretttty sure that if you accidentally (or purposefully for that matter) cut me, I would bleed green. I actually heard from a few people that they were shocked I was leaving East Lansing and MSU for my new job, because they knew how much I've come to love being a part of it all. And here are some of the things I love most about my Spartan Nation:

  • The MSU fight song, obviously. "Fight! Fight! Rah team Fight! Victory for MSU!" I may or may not get overly excited every time I hear it. 
  • Being a part of something bigger than myself...  Now I can't lie, sometimes I was selfishly upset that there wasn't this seeminly worldwide love for the volleyball team like there was for football or basketball... but when it comes down to it, Spartan fans are Spartan fans. Period. It doesn't matter their major or profession (well, technically that's all the same, right? haha) or background... Spartans are there for each other and made me and those of us who were current students feel important and as though we were part of something big and exciting... because we are! 
  • This is similar to being a part of something big and important... but the commradarie associated with my fellow Spartans is awesome. The equal and substantial hatred for the School Down the Road, the cheering, the loyal support, the pride. Un-matched. This was especially true in my experience among the athletic department and various teams. We were all there for each other and in each others' corners fighting for one another to pull out the win and do our best. 
  • Sparty!!! The best mascot in the nation. Seriously! A) Who doesn't love the crazy, smelly, acrobatic, enthusiastic, tough guy? B) We have TWO statues honoring the fierce and brave Spartan warrior... Hands down the best. 
  • Michigan State in general. Let's be real, we really are one of the best... to have one of the top Medical School, Veterinary School, Business School and Study Abroad Programs in the nation? Yea, can't really argue with that. Plus, as I've been finding out as I look at and attempt some things from this 101 Item Bucket List for MSU, we have so much to offer that is unique and extraordinary. Being the first land grant college in the nation. The Cyclotron. Beaumont Tower. Adams Planetarium. The Observatory. The Wharton Center. The Izzone. Yes, even the cows and farmland. Clearly the list can go on and on. 
MSU is awesome. And even if I might not feel the same commradarie as I did while I competed, I will always bleed green and be proud to be a Spartan!