Monday, July 8, 2013

Craving the Good Stuff

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the LORD is good." -1 Peter 2:2-3

For anyone who has been around me for the past couple of months, my newly refreshed zeal for working out and health and fitness might come across as a bit, well, intense. All it took was a Groupon to test out this Crossfit thing and I was hooked and have been telling any-and-everyone about it! Being back in the competitive, challenging environment where I am constantly pushing myself and my limits is something the competitor in me has missed so much, and is something I thought I'd never be able to truly experience again after I left the Spartan weight room. I've loved it so much that I, dare I say it, have even willingly been getting up for 6am workouts! (Now that is truly something I thought I would never miss from college!).

Besides fulfilling the need for a physical challenge and good workout, being involved in Crossfit has had other great benefits for me, namely being around other highly motivated people who are amped about health and fitness as well. It really is a contagious environment! And it was contagious enough for me to try out a diet/cleanse challenge with some of my fellow Warriors. For most of past month I took part in the 24-day Advocare Challenge... no refined sugars, no processed foods, no alcohol, not much dairy or wheat products... pretty much just eating smaller meals consisting of super clean foods like fruits, veges, proteins, and healthy starches and fats more frequently throughout the day to keep my metabolism high and allow my body to absorb the right nutrients the right way. At first I thought it'd be really tough but once I got into it, planned, and started feeling the benefits and results (more energy, feeling better overall, getting trim and tight), it was great. Not to mention I was being held accountable - not only personally because I was paying to be part of a this challenge and wanted to see good end results - but also by others in my Crossfit box.

But why would it be called a "Challenge" if there wasn't something, well, challenging about it? There were many aspects of the challenge that required a significant amount of self-discipline and planning: If I didn't have fresh food around (which unfortunately required a lot of expensive grocery shopping!), it was easy to slip up... If I didn't plan meals and have good food packed for the whole day, it was easy to slip up... If I didn't tell people around me what I was doing so I was held accountable at work or when going out with friends, it was easy to slip up... If I had sweets or other unhealthy foods in sight ("Out of sight, out of mind!"), it was easy to slip up...

I had to constantly remind myself of my ultimate goal (getting trim, losing weight, maybe winning the overall challenge, and most importantly developing a healthy lifestyle) and had to always put myself in a position and environment to succeed in order for the challenge and cleanse to work. And by setting myself up to succeed, even though I would never have classified myself as an unhealthy eater before, I truly started craving good, healthy, whole foods as I got into it and saw the results I was looking for... Except for pizza. The wholeeeee time during my challenge, the only unhealthy food I craved was pizza. So naturally, this was the first thing I splurged on when my 24 days were complete and I had my final weigh-in. And that pizza was gooood. Real good. And yet, while I was licking my fingers after stuffing my face, I knew I would regret my indulgence. After all, what was one of my main goals of the challenge? To develop a healthy lifestyle and cut out processed foods that clog everything up! And sure enough, later that day and even the next day, I really did feel like crap. Mentally from giving in and 'cheating' myself and physically from the effects of unhealthy food after a month of being so clean and good. And what's worse? It became that much easier to give in here and give in there now that my '24-days' were up and I had already indulged once.
The parallels between this and my spiritual life are so evident! Just as I was craving the 'good stuff' for my body because I felt more nourished and healthier and energized and simply better.... my soul, too, ought to crave and have an eager desire for 'pure spiritual milk.' This milk is referring to God's Word, which is unadulterated, and complete, and perfectly refreshing and satisfying. It would only make sense that my soul would crave and run after such a thing!

But again, just as my cleanse proved to be challenging and took a lot of effort to follow, craving this pure, spiritual milk for my soul can be a challenge as well. Just as I had to set myself up to succeed by packing and planning the right food, telling people about my diet to help with accountability, and keeping bad food out of sight, the same is true for me as a child of God. I have to pack and eat the right food - God's word - more than anything else, because filling my soul with things of this world will not truly nourish me.... I have to surround myself with fellow Christians who will keep me accountable to consuming this pure milk and following God's Word because it is a difficult path to take alone.... I have to put myself in situations where I will not be tempted because I am not strong enough to say no to the 'sweets' the devil puts in front of me.

And unfortunately, just as I craved and gave into pizza, I far too often give in to and even crave sin. Just like the pizza, it tastes and feels so good in the moment but once the rush is gone I am left feeling empty, malnourished, guilt-ridden, and frustrated.... frustrated that I gave in when I knew better and frustrated that I hurt my Savior and disobeyed and dishonored my God. And what's worse yet, is when I am not consistently feeding my soul with God's perfect and abundant fare, my sinful self says it is easier to give into those quick and easy sins that only immediately satisfy while convincing me that the pure, spiritual milk I truly need is not really that appetizing... that it doesn't allow me to have any fun or variety... that it is bland and boring. How far that is from the truth! I am told over and over again that the law of the Lord is perfectreviving the soul and to taste and see that the Lord is good, that the man who takes refuge in Him is blessed!

How can this be when the whole world and my own sinful self are telling me otherwise? Because here, in God's Word, I am reminded of His love for me... here I am able to get to know my Creator and Savior on a personal, intimate level... here I am shown my sins through His law so that I might recognize my immense need for a Savior... here I am taught about Jesus my Savior and His perfect life and death he lead on my behalf... here God leads me down the narrow path toward salvation... here I hear God whisper my name and tell me all my sins are forgiven, even those sins of indulgence when I knew better... here I comforted by His love.... here I can read and witness to God's omnipotence and never-failing promises... here I am given peace, hope, and joy as I hear God speak truth into my heart.... here I am given a glimpse of God's glory.... here I am truly refreshed and continue to want more.
"Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live."
-Isaiah 55:2-3

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